Trail cameras can be very helpful for turkey scouting but to get the best results you need to use them differently than you do for other game. On this episode I share four major tips to use game cameras specifically for turkey scouting.

Take Aways:

  • The best trail camera strategies for deer are not the best for turkeys
  • Gobblers are shorter than deer
  • Turkeys move through areas that deer often pause in
  • Turkeys have less size and mass to set off camera sensors
  • Birds can walk through areas that deer may go around
  • Never trust the specs on a camera, always test it
  • Test every camera you put up to make sure you have the ideal angles and detection range
  • Check cameras during the middle of the day when turkeys are not likely to be in morning hunt areas
  • Listen to the episode to learn how to use game cameras for spring turkey scouting

Can you start scouting for turkeys too early? Or better still, when do you get the best returns for time spend scouting? On this episode I talk about the best times and situations for spring turkey scouting.

Take Aways

  • In the winter turkeys seek out habitat that helps them survive the winter, by spring they move into other areas.
  • As the breeding season approaches, turkey flocks break up and movement patterns shift.
  • Scouting in the winter can afford some value but because so much changes, the learnings can only provide general help.
  • After the breeding season, turkey habits and movements change again as poults are born and raised.
  • Then turkeys begin to flock up again and their habitat shifts.
  • So there are specific times that have high value for scouting.
  • Listen to the episode to hear the best times to scout for spring gobblers

Every turkey season we should gain new insights that will help us become more effective hunters. And the only thing better than learning from your own experiences is learning from other people’s too! On this episode I share the most important thing I learned about hunting spring turkey last season.

Take Aways

  • Being in the right area can help new turkey hunters overcome many other shortcomings.
  • No amount of skill can make up for being in the right place at the right time.
  • You cannot take turkeys if there are none in the area. 
  • You can get about 80% of the benefit of calling gobblers from about 20% of the skill.
  • It is not as much about finding the right exact spot on the ground as putting yourself in the right area and adjusting your spot as needed.
  • Listen to the episode to hear about the most important thing I learned last season!

Has a myth ever hindered you? The truth can lift burdens and bring freedom. On this episode I debunk 7 hunting myths that make it hard for people to start hunting or to pursue new types of game.

Hunting myths can mostly be broken down into two main categories, internal and external. 

Internal Hunting Myths

  • These are things you believe about yourself.
  • Things no one told you.
  • They may be started or perpetuated by a bad experience or observation.
  • You never questioned them because they seemed to always there.
  • Now is the time to question things!

External Hunting Myths

  • These are things someone else told you were true.
  • They are based on tradition, folklore, experiences, and something basically nothing.
  • Things are said enough times and over enough generations that people assume they are true.
  • You never thought to question these things because you never had a reason.
  • This is the time to start questioning!

Listen to the episode to hear the 7 myths that bog down new hunters.