Show Notes:

There are a lot of elements that are the same between rifle and bow hunting but there are a few key differences that you must take into account to be successful with archery. On this episode I talk about the two biggest aspects that are critical for archery, and when I say archery I give specifics for both regular bows and crossbows.

Take Aways:

  • Concealment
    • For new archery hunters to successful, it is vital that you have concealment, either in a tree or a hunting blind.
    • Hunting from the ground is extremely difficult with a bow and not recommended as an effective strategy.
    • Get into a tree, nothing beats altitude when it comes to deer hunting. 
    • A hunting blind is a good plan B if you have no good trees or aren’t ready to get off the ground.
  • Range
    • The average crossbow has an effective range of about 50 yards.
    • Regular bows can be accurately shot by the average marksman to about 30 yards.
    • In either event, you want to setup 15-20 yards from where you plan for the deer to be.  
    • Never plan to take shots at your maximum range, even if you can make the shot at the range. The real world ads variables you do not experience at the range and you want some margin.
    • Be careful shooting at targets that are too close because of the steep downward angles needed.

Show Notes:

Archery season for deer can be as long as four months in some areas, while rifle season may be as short as two weeks. The number one thing deer hunters can do to spend more time in the woods is pick up a bow. On today’s episode I talk about why a crossbow is the best option for new hunters to extend their season.

Take Aways:

  • Crossbows are an easier entry point into the sport because they require less physical ability, skill, and practice than a regular bow.
  • Crossbows use similar skills to rifles meaning many hunters already have some familiarity with the technique.
  • Crossbows are easier to aim than regular bows, they have more range, and more power.
  • Crossbows can be less expensive than regular bows and rifles. I’ve used this modestly priced crossbow and it has everything a new hunter needs.
  • Crossbows create a level playing field for those with less than ideal physical size, strength, and stamina.
  • Most importantly, a crossbow is the easiest way to get you into the woods longer so you can enjoy hunting the days that have ideal weather, conditions, and placement in your busy schedule.


Show Notes:

Contrary to popular belief, does and bucks only coexist for brief periods of time. Most of their lives are spent in different areas. On this episode I talk about understanding the habits of both so you can hunt each more effectively.

Take Aways:

  • Does tend to live in the same areas year round.
  • Bucks have a home range that is more isolated, and for good reason.
  • Bucks leave their home range, in part or whole, during the rut.
  • Even when does and bucks come together for the rut, they both will behave differently and have different movement patterns.
  • If you want to understand the life cycle of a buck then you need to understand and annual cycle of their antlers.
  • If you see bucks on your land throughout the year, they will likely be absent during the rut.
  • And if you see no bucks during the year, it is likely they will come around during the rut, but not in the exact same places as does.


Show Notes:

When it comes to food plots, there are two primary schools of thought for deer hunters. But neither philosophy is helpful for new hunters. On today’s episode I talk about a cheap, easy, small, and excellent food plot strategy for new deer hunters.

Take Aways:

  • Every time you see a deer move they are likely either going to food or from food. It is a huge part of their lives.
  • You don’t need to worry about getting the deer enough food to keep them alive, God takes care of that.
  • New hunters don’t need to spend a chunk of money every year planting acres of food for deer, you have other priorities.
  • New hunters only need to do enough to impact deer movement habits.
  • With 1/8 of acre and $10 you can impact deer patterns, and even help impact the size and quality of the heard in your area.
  • A small one time effort can impact your hunting prospects for years to come.

Show Notes:

Dove hunting is one of the most fun types of hunting for those who can find a decent spot to do it, some people even consider it their favorite. On this episode I talk about how easy it is to get started with this cherished past time.

Take Aways:

  • Why hunt doves? Sport and cuisine is the short answer. They are the flying bird that some hunters train all year to hunt. They are also easy to prepare and delicious to eat.
  • Doves are a migratory game bird, so you are usually hunting them as they travel south for the winter.
  • Doves and pigeons are closely related, if not the same bird, and they are among the most commonly eaten birds in the world.
  • Doves can be hunted with any shotgun, and the cheapest shells available. Typically size 7-9 shot is ideal. No special gear is needed.
  • You do not need a lot of camouflage or cover, the best approach is to position yourself so they fly right into to shooting range without being able to see you from a distance.
  • The best time of day depends on when they are flying through your area, so it varies. Test mornings, afternoons, and evenings to see how things work where you live.
  • Ideally you hunt doves along the edge of a field or clearing where they will come to land for food, rest, or water during their journey.